Department of Communication Studies
Fundamentals of Communication: COMM 2200
The Communication Studies Department offers COMM 2200 Fundamentals of Communication, which is a required course in MTSU’s general education core.
This course focuses on oral communication including speeches. Some topics covered in the course are:
- Speaking ethically and honestly
- Becoming a better listener
- Analyzing your audience and choosing an appropriate topic for a speech
- Researching (library, internet, interviews, etc.)
- Organizing and outlining a speech
- introduction
- transitions
- main points
- supporting evidence, examples, statistics, facts, testimony
- citing sources within the speech
- visual aids
- conclusion
- Various speech types (informative, persuasive, ceremonial)
- Improving delivery skills (verbal and nonverbal communication)
Typical assignments include:
- brief impromptu speeches
- self-introductory speech
- informative speech
- persuasive speech
- tribute speech